About Us

Year 2014

HALU was founded.

The same year, the founder welcomed his daughter into the world.

While the company creates its value, a beautiful future is pictured for our children.

“For the next generation!”

Engraved into the philosophy of HALU.

about halu

The founding team brings a wealth of experience in fashion industry in Europe, which has been over a decade. We knew more about the requirements of fashion industry in Europe.

We have an insight into the fashion,

when the sun goes down in Asia, our team in Europe keeps up tightly with the fashion trends.

We have quick response,

when the sun sets in Europe, our machine has moved on.

We keep on the concept of environmental protection and give fabrics new life.

During these eight years as a startup, HALU has been fully recognized by the European market, Our clients spread throughout all markets in Europe from the mid-to-high-end.

our mission

Fashion is like the wings of a butterfly,

Every vibration affects the change to both humans and the earth.

Today, we are more connected with our customers,

Use low-carbon renewable resources to develop new fabrics,

To keep on the concept of “For the next generation”,

to reduce pollution from the source and to reduce carbon emissions.

HALU!   A fashion pioneer!    Born for the next generation!

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